True Play
Thursday 9:30 – 11:30 am
Ages 5 and under (with caregiver)
True Play helps learning, growth, & development flourish. Each week the environment is set up with materials & adults to facilitate True Play.
This is a free, drop-in program.
Busy Town
Currently on Hiatus! Check Back later in 2025!
Ages 5 and under (with caregiver)
Busy Town includes art, music, nature, and science exploration activities, open-ended play materials, and a healthy snack.
This is a free, drop-in program.
Basic Itinerary
11-11:10am: Free play
11:10-11:25am: Story time / Circle time
11:25-11:43am: Focus area game/activity + Clean-Up
11:44-11:45am: Goodbye